We are a transversal design studio, dedicated to complement and interrelate the different disciplines, Interior Design, Product, Graphic and Art Direction.
We understand design as a tool to achieve new challenges.
We start from a creative, technological and communicative culture, with the aim of offering content, services and enhancing the brand values of our clients.
We want to help to live in a better world, respecting people and nature…
+34 933 153 573
Av. República Argentina, 4, Pral. 2a
08023 Barcelona – Spain
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TOTOYA SÚNICO studies interior design at the Elisava school. He began his professional life in Jordi Bieto’s studio for three years. He set up his own studio together with Beatriz Arbide for a period of two years in which he acquired knowledge of the entire design production process. In 1992, together with Ferran Morgui, he began a new life and work project, until in 2006 they set up the company Morguisúnico S.L. Until today he has been dedicated to both national and international projects.
FERRAN MORGUI studies design at the Barcelona schools Elisava and Eina. Specifically, she is studying Interior Design at the Elisava School and Product at the Eina School. She has a degree in Design from the Official School of Barcelona and the BEDA at an international level. He teaches at Elisava School of Design (UPF), at Eina School of Art and Design (UAB) and at the Graduate School of Design at the UPC in Barcelona. He has participated in the AQU program as a professional for the evaluation of Barcelona’s design schools for their homologation to the university requirements of the Bologna plan. He has been a board member of ADI-FAD on several occasions and is currently a member of Design for the World. In 1992 he established his own professional office after his accumulated experience in various studios and companies, highlighting his position as head of communication and new products in the Galo / ben company. In recent years he has carried out projects for numerous companies and official organizations both nationally and abroad.
Commitment, optimisation and care in the design and production processes, so that they are safe for people, healthy for the environment and successful for the economy.
For this reason, we use a design language that is conceived around the longevity of the product, with a minimum use of resources, appropriate technology, use of sustainable, healthy, recyclable, reusable and reusable materials and that waste tends to zero.
We have given a second life to materials and furniture used in assemblies, giving them to organisations and social associations for their reuse and collaborating in the adaptation of the product to its new uses.
We are inspired by the Cradle to Cradle principles and apply them to the circular economy.
Study partners
- Júlia Ciurana, Industrial Designer
- Mireia Arriaga, Interior Designer
- Pablo Carballeira, Industrial Designer
- Mariona Isnard, Interior Designer
- Victoria Gil, Interior Designer
- Lara Santiesteban, Interior Designer
- Laura Martinez Macard, Interior Designer
- Betta Bauce, Interior Designer
- Popo Castellsagué, Industrial Designer
- Vanesa Almar, Interior Designer
- Nacho Umbert, Interior Designer
- Anna Colomer, Interior Designer
- Miriam Maierhöfer, Industrial Designer
- Francesc Romagosa, Industrial Designer
- Winners of the restricted competition for the design of the Marviva exhibition for the Agència de Residus de Catalunya (2018).
- Winners of the restricted competition for the design of the Premi de Catalunya d’Ecodisseny 2017 for the Agència de Residus de Catalunya (2017).
- Winners of the restricted competition for the reform of the Elisava University (2011).
- Winner of the design competition for Rooms 6 and 7 of the National Museum of Science and Technology MUNCYT in A Coruña (2010).
- Winner of the design contest for the island of stands of l’Agència de Residus de Catalunya for the Construmat, Ecocity and Municipalia contests (2009).
- Winner of the ICEX Spanish Pavilion design competition (2004) for the ICFF fair in New York.
- DELTA Awards Selection for the Orada office screen for Onadis (2003).
- Winner of the competition for the design of a new motorway toll booth organized by ACESA and BCD (1990).
- FAD Selection of the FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards (1989) for the design of an office for Lottuse in Barcelona.
- DELTA Award (1986) for the bus shelter.
- LAUS Award (1984) for a set of Carnival posters.
- INFAD Medal (1980) for the remodeling project of the “Quinta Amelia” in Barcelona.
- Aferfrans
- Agència de Residus de Catalunya
- Ajuntament de Sabadell
- Almacenes Tur
- Amat-3
- Andreu World
- Aridi
- Babynow
- Banc Sabadell
- Bella Veau Hotels
- Carpyen
- Casas Sabaters
- Casualplay
- Caules (Lotusse)
- Consejo Intertextil Español
- Corset
- Crevin
- Daisalux
- Denver