Alimentaria El Charro


El Charro wants to present itself at Alimentaria, as a pork meat producer capable of customising its product to the personal needs that a company may require.

It is a totally visual space, where the products are presented in playful animation format on four screens working simultaneously, achieving a hypnotic kaleidoscopic effect.

The only real leg of pork, was a pot of pork wrapped and placed in a setting in a glass case, wrapped in a bucolic simulation of the Salamanca countryside, the treatment was like a joke.

The intention was to enhance surprise and provocation as a motive for initiating a conversation that would lead to communicating its message.

The result was the desired one, it was a differentiated space from the rest of the manufacturers, with a fresh and clear communication and conversations were established with companies interested in the personalisation of the product.

Client: El Charro

Project: Estand Alimentaria

Animation: Andrea Resmini

Audiovisual: Cymatic

Location: Recinte Gran Via, Barcelona

Year: 2014